How to Win Clients and Influence Markets With Website Design

01Apr, 2020

Good website design is a must in today’s highly visual market. The way your site looks tells
users whether they want to interact or do business with you in just a fraction of a second.
One glance can or forces someone to click away or turn that person into a customer.
As a bonus, this post is filled with website design inspiration that helps you make your site
look good and professional. Please go through the point for a better website design.

1) First Impressions Matter: Importance of Great Visual Design
First impressions count when it comes to your website design. It takes only 0.5 seconds for
users to form an opinion about your website that determines whether they like your site or
not, whether they will stay or leave.

It is crucial to make the first impression of your website appealing. It depends on many
factors: structure, spacing, colors, symmetry, fonts, amount of text, and more. Focus on these
elements to get an interface that attracts customers towards your website.

Pay for design – it is what matters the most for pulling users in. Funny enough, a great visual
design will lead to higher usability ratings even. And actual usability will matter much less if
the overall visual appeal is low. The website sections that drew the most interest from
viewers were as follows:

• The institution’s logo- Users spent about 6.48 seconds focused on this area before moving
• The main navigation menu- Almost as famous as the logo, subjects spent an average of
6.44 seconds viewing the menu.
• The search box- where users focused for just over 6 seconds.
• The site’s main image- where users’ eyes fixated for an average of 5.94 seconds.
• The site’s written content- where users spent about 5.59 seconds.
• The bottom of a website- where users spent about 5.25 seconds.

Good first impression leads to longer visit duration. Make sure the 6 elements listed here look

2) Play by the Rules
As a very basic starting point, you need to make sure that you follow web standards. Content
nicely aligned, padding even, images high quality…even a ‘boring’ website can be helpful to
use if it follows the rules and, therefore, looks tidy. Look into what web designers are saying
0about content distribution, site sizes, and font types. It is all out there for you.

(A) Navigation
How clear and simple your menu is can make or break. Your pages need to follow an
instinctive, user-targeted route, or you will lose visitors as soon as they feel in the slightest bit

More importantly, your visitor is going to make a snap decision to stay or go based on a two-
second glance at the page they have landed on. The navigation bar is your visitor’s menu of
what you do: give them what they came here for!

(B) Content Importance
Good content is what sets your website apart from the masses and delivers the right message
into the hearts and minds of your customers. The success of your website is determined
primarily by its content. Ultimately, content wins the wallets of your customers. All other
components of your website (design, visuals, videos, etc.) provide a secondary support role.

(C) Fonts

• White on black is very disgusting to read.
• Serif fonts make people think ‘traditional’.
• Flashing text is an interruption at best, an instantaneous bounce at worst.
• Sans serif fonts make users think ‘modern'.
• Line height makes a huge difference to how clear your fonts are.

Mistakes with fonts can cause your user to skip completely your carefully crafted website, as
a consequence missing a large chunk of your sales pitch. Make it simple, make it pleasant.

(D) Images
People are visual. They like to look at images. So just chuck a lot of images on the website,
right? No, no, no, don’t ever do this. If your image is very big, it will slow down the loading
time of your website. If it is very small, it will be pixilated. Neither is good, and both make
web users unsatisfied & annoyed. Even the biggest idiot in the world can tell that you get a

much more visually pleasing result by cropping an image, so the subject is in the outside 1/3
or 2/3. This can also be utilized to change the balance of a website. Where do you want the
visitor’s eye to go? A full-width, large main image nearly always looks good. Remember that.

3) Make your Website Load Faster
Page loading time is noticeably an important part of any website’s user experience. And many
times we will let it slide to put up better aesthetic design, new nifty functionality or to add
more content to web pages. Awkwardly, website visitors have a tendency to care more about
speed than all the bells and whistles we want to add to our sites. Over and above this, page
loading time is becoming a more vital factor when it comes to search engine rankings.

4) Mobile Responsive
At present, the most effectual way to provide an integrated browsing experience for the
mobile segment of your visitors is to take advantage of responsive web design. Even though it
is a relatively new concept, it has already turned out to be the go-to choice for savvy
marketers and designers who understand the significance of reaching their mobile audience.

5) Social media
You don’t have to use every social channel. But you should be present on the channels where
your clients hang out most. If that’s Twitter, start tweeting. If it’s Pinterest, create some
boards that show off your brand.

Your goal is to develop a consistent social media brand. So take time to develop a solid
strategy that you can maintain over time. Remember, use social media to engage with people
and build relationships, not to sell.

Above tips can help you very well to increase your client. Pheunix Take care of all the content
that should be present on a website to attract the client. You can win client and influence
market through web designing.

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